Side Effects of Using Drugs on Athletes to Increase Vertical Jumping Height

Every sportsperson dreams of success, glamour, and grandeur in their chosen career path. Some work hard for it, while others resort to shady methods to achieve their goals. No doubt the path of drugs and steroids seems the easy way, but one should remember the old saying, ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions.’ The instant results of drugs leave lasting side-effects on the person, some of which can be fatal. Many athletes have succumbed to the lure of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs which have prematurely ended their careers. The results are always devastating, and it leaves a permanent mark on the athletes’ career.

Performance Enhancing Drugs, or Anabolic Steroids. What are They?

Performance enhancing drugs, which are commonly known as anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone. It is a common knowledge that hormones are responsible for growth, strength, and performance in any individual. ‘Anabolic’ drugs refer to the variation which defines muscle-building in a person. The common term used for these types of drugs are Gear, Stackers, Juice, or Roids. These are usually administered orally or by injecting through veins. These type of drugs might not be as extreme as other substances, but they still have lingering short-term and long-term side effects when abused.

Athletes are always advised to follow a proper nutrition along with workout insteas of these drugs usage if they want a growth in their vertical jump height in a proper manner. This diet is mentioned elaborately in our blog on Proper dietary habits to follow to get the desired vertical leap.


Here are some of the side-effects of using drugs on athletes to increase vertical jumping height

  • Effects On The Brain

Anabolic drugs do not trigger the rapid increase of the chemical dopamine in the brain as the other drugs do. Still, long-term use results in the increase of dopamine, serotonin, and opioid systems, affecting the mood and behavior of the user which leads to violent mood-swings and extreme contracted violent behavior.

  • Short-Term Mental Health Issues

Over-use of anabolic steroids can leave short-term mental health issues on the athlete. Some of them are; paranoia and extreme and unwanted jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and hallucinations, and impaired judgment. When these side-effects last for a prolonged time, it can inevitably lead to mental breakdown.

  • Skin Problems Caused by Anabolics

Everyone must remember the dreaded teenage years when hormone imbalance caused horrible break-outs and acne. Anabolic steroids do the same to athletes. It also causes unnatural swelling of body parts, especially hands and feet.

  • Long-Term Health Problems

Apart from the short-term side effects, performance-enhancing drugs also have long-lasting health problems. Some of these health issues are fatal. The problems caused by anabolic drugs are; kidney failure, damaged liver, enlarged heart, high blood pressure, and changes in blood cholesterol. These problems lead to the increased chances of stroke and heart attack, even in young people.

  • Gender-Related Health Problems

Apart from the general health problems, Anabolic drugs can also cause specific gender-related health problems in athletes. Men face health concerns such as shrinking testicles, lower sperm count, baldness, development of male breasts, and an increased rate of prostate cancer. Females may find excess body hair, growth of facial hair, male pattern baldness, change or a complete stop of the menstrual cycle, enlarged clitoris, and the deepening of voice as a side effect of using performance-enhancing drugs. These physical changes lead to mental imbalance and mood disorders.

  • Side-Effects on Teenagers

Not only have anabolic drugs had serious side effects adults but on teenagers too. They may find stunted growth and stunted height as a result of the drug use, since the imbalance of the hormones due to high steroid levels may send signals to the brain to stop bone development.

  • Some Other Miscellaneous Side-Effects

Performance-enhancing drugs come with an expiry date. Even if an athlete amps up the usage, after a certain point the drugs lose their effect. It can be a serious drawback on one’s mental health if he or she finds their winning streak suddenly halting. Anabolic steroids can also change the physical appearance of a person, making them look older than their actual age.

A Healthy Alternative

To increase one’s vertical jump, they can always find an alternative to drugs use. There are so many jump training manuals available in the market. It might not be easier to follow a rigorous exercise routine when there is the temptation of a short-cut, but hard work always pays-off. A good example is Jump Manual, which guarantees a 10-inch plus growth in vertical leap. It is backed by scientific research and years of experience and comes with a complete dietary chart for healthy living. Opt for the healthy choice, get Jump Manual today and see a difference in your vertical jumping height in a 2 weeks time-frame.

Discover more about the jump manual, the best training manual to increase vertical height in this jump manual review blog of ours.

Buy Jump Manual today! Visit

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3 Proven Exercises and Steps Which Will Improve Your Vertical Leap

Jumping is an integral part of any handball game such as basketball, volleyball, and it is also one of the major requirements for many Olympic sports. So how do you ensure that your vertical leap is up to par with the required professional standards when your dream is to make it big in the basketball league? The answer is quite simple. You exercise and build a routine complimented with the right balanced diet to continuously improve your vertical leap. Now, there is a major way to approach a workout routine, namely with the help of a proper jump training manual. A suitable jump training guide will feature exercises that not only would help build your strength but also improve the quickness, a combination of which gives explosive vertical jumping height. Not venturing into the lengthy detailed version of all the exercises beneficial for vertical leap, here are three exercises, which when done right, will help you get a consistent superior vertical jumping height on the basketball court.

Know the other 9 exercises that would help to increase your vertical jump height through this blog post.

  • Jump Squats

The best exercise to jump-start your vertical leap growth, jump squats are the go-to option for athletes when they want to improve their core muscle strength. It helps to firm the calve muscles and quads while providing the necessary even blood circulation to the entire nervous system for quick action. For a successful squat jump routine, ensure you have the basic idea of squat jump mechanics. To do a proper squat jump, take your knees apart in alignment with your shoulder making sure that your knees cave in so that while squatting they bow-out. The alignment should be maintained at all times. The general rule of thumb is to keep your kneecaps shooting right in-between your big toe and your second toe. From there, just jump up in the squat and land on the heels of your feet. You need to decelerate, avoiding shocks to the joints by just absorbing the shock of landing through your muscles. The landing should be slow and controlled. Exhale while you jump up and inhale while coming down, all the while propelling your arms to maintain your equilibrium. A slightly different and intense version is the prisoner’s jump, which you can do by keeping your hands at the back of your head while jumping. Repeat the jumps 20 times in each set, and workout only 5 sets in one session.

  • Sprints

Sprints aim to increase the response time of the fast-twitching fibers and build muscles, automatically increasing your speed and power. The more you sprint, the more your power increases. Sprints also greatly expand endurance, which results in longer stamina in games like basketball, and Olympic sports. To properly sprint, ensure that your arms never pass your eye-level while running. All the power for your upper body comes from the shoulder while running. Another rule is to make sure when your lead leg (right for most, left for some) is up, the opposite arm is in contrast to it. Practice the dorsiflex (bend foot towards the knee) for a dramatic increase in your verticals. A common mistake people tend to do while sprinting is running straight up. Your body needs to be at a certain lean angle to actually benefit from the sprints. And it is not restricted to a 100-meter dash either. Perform sprints in various settings, from 200-meter dashes with 30 seconds of rest to a full 400-meter while taking a minute to rest between each dash. You can gradually increase your sprint range, and time your rest accordingly. A plus-side of sprinting is that it can be practiced by people with bad-knees too, with the help of cycling and swimming.

  • Stairs

If you are running on a time restricted work-out session, an easy exercise to practice without compromising with your schedule is to take the stairs whenever the opportunity arises. Find a set of approximately 20 stairs and go in quick succession, skipping one step at a time. After reaching the top take a 10-second rest and climb down at a relaxed pace. This exercise is very good for your glutes and hamstrings, which in turn helps the vitals of vertical jumps. Repeat the steps for 10 sets each for noticeable results.

Find out about the 7 secrets useful to improve your Vertical Jump Height here.


These basic exercises will help your vertical leap growth greatly. However, for a more thorough and intense workout routine, you should opt for a professional jump training guide. A good example is Jump Manual, the leading vertical jump training guide created by Jacob Hiller. It is guaranteed to give its user a 10-inch plus growth in just 14-days. The best feature of jump manual? If you are not satisfied with the result, you can get your money-back in the first 60 days. To increase your vertical leap and bring your A+ game in the court, buy Jump Manual today! Visit
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How to Choose A Good Jump Manual to Help Increase Your Vertical Jump?

Choosing the right Jump Manual for Vertical Jump

Vertical jump is the most crucial part of any handball games such as basketball, volleyball, and to some extent European Soccer. It is also vital for athletes aspiring for Olympics and competitive athletic activities. Flawless vertical jump is a prerogative for people whose height is that of 6-inches or more. For others, it is a process of continuous exercises and a strictly regimented routine to stay at the top of the game. In the current market, there are many online vertical leap training programs which guarantee 10-inch plus height gain, some even go a step further and promise to work the miracle overnight. While the prospect does sound good in theory, the reality often leaves much to be desired. So how are you going to choose a program which fits your criteria and delivers the promised height gain? It is a real possibility that in your quest for searching the perfect program you end up with a manual which does exactly the opposite. Save yourself the grief and follow the tips stated here to select the definitive jumping program suited for you.

Before deciding between the jump programs, you need to know the things required in order to choose the right jumping program to increase vertical jump. This blog post will help you do that!

The Experience Factor Behind the Creation of the Training Program

Vertical jump is all about technicalities and years worth of experience used to perfect those techniques for a flawless vertical leap record. For that, you need to find out who is the mastermind behind the training program. He or she should have experience as a professional player for at least 5 years or more. Also, every professional player is not necessarily a good trainer who has in-depth knowledge of sports training. The creator of the program should be professionally accredited as a physical trainer to give credibility to the program.

Video-based Workouts

Training programs which are related to physical activities, especially sports should always have their workout routines demonstrated in videos. In practice, it is not possible to follow a routine with only written instructions. You need visual assistance for some of the more complex and intense exercise the programs feature. A good vertical jump training guide will have the workouts in clear video format to keep the program interactive for the user. 

Easy To Understand Theories

You are buying a jump training manual, not a Shakespearean novel. Ensure the training guide has its written part described in easy English. Also, the instructions in the video section should also be clean and clear. A muffled voice-over is a complete no-no, and the universal language of English is preferable as the selected language along with multi-language options. This is a very important factor since it determines how popular the training program is for the mass.

Reliability of The Program

A jump training manual should be able to justify any workout or exercise about its features. Piling up a bunch of exercises and calling it a manual is a common practice now. The questions such as why do the exercise, how it is going to help, and the ultimate effect it is going to have is sometimes left out. 8 out of 10, this proves disastrous since it does more harm than good. Buy a vertical leap training guide after researching its integrity. The scientific approach to every workout helps build user trust over the program.

Time The Program Takes To Deliver Visible Results

Some program assures instant growth, while some give a suitable time-frame to the user for visible results. Training programs like Jump Manual, when followed diligently, doles out visible result in a fortnight. Others, like Vert-Shock, promises a vertical leap growth in a few days. Before purchasing any training guide, you need to realize the time-period you are willing to invest in the program, as well as how genuine the program is.

Availability of Personal Training Tips When Required

The complete process of increasing vertical leap height can be quite complex. It is natural for a user to need a personal guide to understand some of the more multifaceted facts and exercises stated in the guide. A proper training manual will have some way to help the user when they need the assistance of a professional. Training programs like the Jump Manual provide the option of a 30-days one-on-one interactive session with the creator Jacob Hiller himself, or with one of the professional team members.

Reviews and Testimonials

The best judge of a good vertical jump manual is the person who has already used it. Although some testimonials on the sales page of the official website can be paid, most reviews and the likes are from genuine people who had already experienced the benefits and loss of the program. Make sure you go through the official testimonials and reviews regarding any program before buying it.


Buying a jump training guide can be confusing, but help is at hand! Follow the tips and stick with the program which can tick off the maximum number of boxes. A good jump training manual for beginners and professionals alike is Jump Manual. Visit to know more about the program.

Find out in this blog post the ways as how to choose the right jump manual that would enhance the vertical leap to a decent height.

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Can You Really Gain 10-Inches Or More Vertical Jumping Height with The Jump Manual?

In the world of sports, the ability to jump a decent vertical height determines your success in a game. If you are one of those who has a natural flair for perfection when it comes to vertical jumps, congratulations, you are one of the lucky ones! But what happens when you belong to the group, where despite your 100 percent efforts, the proper techniques and a flawless vertical leap is out of your reach? In scenarios like this, people often opt to follow a training manual which helps them with this problem. There are many jump training guides available in the market, which promises vertical leap growth, both online and offline. Some of them are good, rest, not so much. One of those training programs is Jump Manual. Created by Jacob Hiller, Jump Manual promises a vertical leap increase of 10-inches or more if followed regularly. Now, the question is, does it really help?  To put simply, the answer is yes. It takes us to the more intriguing question, how? Let us explore the detailed reasons.

The Jump Manual claims to be the best online training program to raise your jump height. Read the article to agree or disagree the statement.

Scientific Approach To Every Exercise in The Jump Manual

Jump Manual came to the market in 2008 and has enjoyed the title of being the number 1 jump training program for several consecutive years. It has been pitted against training manuals like Vert Shock and STACK training programs, and it has always emerged victorious as the best help for aspiring athletes. One of the main reasons behind Jump Manual's success is the years of research and scientific approach to every exercise put together. It has no shortcuts to height gain and explains why one should do the exercises in details. Other training programs offer none these things, hence decreasing their credibility in the long run.

The Right Tactic To Exercises

For most, gaining muscles is equal to gaining superior vertical leap height. Half of the training manuals available in the market stresses heavily on gym-dependent exercises. Jump Manual completely debunks the notion. It is common knowledge that vertical leap training requires explosive strength, not muscular ones. Your goal is to become a star basketball player, not a club bouncer. Working out to improve the muscle strength is the right approach, bulking up on muscles is not. Most jump training manual misses the mark completely when it comes to this simple difference. Jump Manual provides the right guidance for strength training.  

Exercises To Maximize Quickness, Speed, and Explosive Strength

The three pillars of vertical jump training are quickness, speed, and explosive strength. By following Jump Manual, you will notice that as the three vitals improve, so does your vertical jump. A regimented routine helps you keep your focus on, and in turn improves your agility. Coupled with speed, it results in explosive strength, the primary need to help improve your jumping height. Some manuals, like Vert Shock, relies on short bursts of explosive strength exercises. It may give temporary positive results, but is harmful to your overall training in the long run. Jump Manuals helps you reach your goal at a relatively slower pace, but the result is consistent.

The Fuel for Your Training Engine, The Right Diet

No training guide offers a meticulously prepared dietary chart other than Jump Manual. Simply exercising won't help, you need to continuously supplement your routine with the right kind of nutrition to absolutely make sure your body doesn’t burn under then strain of it. Jump Manual has a separate section to describe the role of a proper diet in training regime, and goes a step further to carefully construct a dietary chart to help your body get all the right nutrients. Gaining a 10-inches vertical jump growth is not an easy feat, and to achieve it, you need to supply your body with the energy it requires.

Know about the proper nutrition required to get the desired Vertical Leap from this blog post.

The Last Words

Jacob Hiller, the man who created Jump Manual, has made sure that it is possible to gain 10-inches or more vertical jumping height by following the exercises the program offers. His credibility lies in the fact that he is an ex-basketball player and an accredited physical trainer for many NBA players and Olympic athletes. Jump Manual can help you gain 10+ inches of vertical leap height is a given, and the method is simple too. All you need to do is follow the program in a disciplined way, and you can see an increase in your vertical leap in just 14 days.

Buy the Jump Manual today, visit and experience the difference.

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Few Easy to Moderate Exercises to Help Increase Your Vertical Jumping Height

Often, the vertical jumping height of a person can be a hindrance in his path of professional athletic aspirations. It is not uncommon to get rejected from basketball teams due to height shortage, which ultimately results in low dunk rates. In the modern world, this is not a reason for worry though. There are so many jump training guides available in the current market, that attaining a 10-inch plus vertical leap height is not a distant dream anymore. The only requirement is a strictly followed routine and dedication towards the goal. However, if buying a jump training guide is not on your agenda then there is an alternative way.

Follow these 3 best squat exercises from our article and get the perfect Vertical Jump Height today.

Try some of these basic to moderate workouts and see the increase in your vertical leap gradually.

Start With Stretches

The first step in attaining a competitive jumping height is to know the warm-up exercises. Stretching is the most basic exercise you must do before any workout session. It helps loosen the muscle and relax your body trying to get it ready for an intense workout routine. It especially helps those who are aiming for heavy lifting and building muscles. Without proper stretches, the muscles become stiff and ultimately cause severe pain and cramp to the users. Doing stretches are simple. It Is a simple act performed by putting one leg back, and then extend the arm on the side of the leg that is back straight up in the air. Slowly turn away from the arm as far as you can go and then hold for 15-20 seconds. Perform three sets for each leg and you are at a good starting point.


A simple and easy to do exercise, It is a great booster for increasing vertical leap height. You can do this anytime. Stand on some raised platform where your heels don't touch the ground. Rise up to the most height your toes allow you and then come back down. Repeat the sets. Calf raises is a good exercise for jump training. Add weights to the regime once the calf-muscles become stronger.

Jumping Jacks

Also known by the name of side-saddle hop in the U.S military, Jumping Jacks are great to improve your core muscle strength and is also fun to do. To perform this exercise you need to simply jump with your legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead, sometimes replicating claps. The returning position with the feet together and the hands by the side completes the motion range. Repeat the sets 5 times for a proper result.

Use The Skipping Rope

Skipping rope is perhaps one of the most underrated ways of improving vertical jumps. It helps build endurance and is quite easy to do, However, one should remember that rope skipping builds endurance, and to perfect vertical jumping height, one needs to focus more on explosiveness, not endurance. Too much of endurance training results in the muscles getting pliant and stop the growth rate at 3 to 4-inches maximum.


If you want to build the muscle in your legs, squat exercise is a must. Over time with the help of squats, one can greatly improve their vertical jumps. It also helps with one’s balance and control. Do the squats by bending the knees, while keeping the back straight, until the thigh is nearly parallel to the ground. How far you want to bend down depends on you, and consult with a professional trainer once before doing it.

Box Jumps

A moderate exercise to improve vertical jumping height, Box jumps are done simply by jumping on and off a box repeatedly. People often jump from side to side or front to back. The height of the box can also be increased as your strength increases. This exercise is another good way to work on your explosion. Remember to do every rep with a strong intent.

Core Workouts

Another good and perhaps different way to improve your vertical is by improving your core. A good way to do this is by doing crunches or planks. Leg lifts also improve core strength, but they are rumored to cause back pain if done incorrectly. These are fairly simple exercises that will help build a strong core, which is crucial to having a good vertical jumping height.

Final Words

These are the few basic to moderate exercises you can follow to improve your vertical leap height. For an advanced and thorough training, you can always opt for one of the jump training guides available online. Jump Manual is a great program which aims to help users improve their vertical by 10-inches or more. It is created by Jacob Hiller and gives visible result if followed by a strict force of will and determination. It is a surefire way to help achieve your dream of becoming a professional player or a star athlete.

Read our blog posts on the review of Jacob Hiller’s the Jump Manual to know how it helps in increasing the Vertical Jump.

Buy the Jump Manual today. Visit

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A Complete and Comprehensive Review of Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual

review of jacob hillers jumpmanual

Jump Manual is an online training guide created by Jacob Hiller to help ambitious sportspersons and athletes to add a minimum of 10+ inch to their vertical jumping height, over the course of three months. It is a set of workouts backed by years of scientific research of the creator and his team of professional trainers, as well as a complete and thorough explanation of the core components which are essential for the increased vertical leap. However, there is numerous other jump training guide available in the current market which offers the same aptitude, and some go beyond that, claiming instant inch gain. So the big question is, how does Jump Manual stand-out from the rest? Can the title of it being the best and consistent result-oriented jump training guide, justified? This review aims to find out the answers!

Jump Manual in a Nutshell

Handball games like basketball and volleyball require a fair amount of high jump to score winning points. So does various Olympic sports. While some players can jump fairly high without any external guidance due to their height advantage, most of them have to undergo vigorous exercise routines to maintain a consistent straight up leap height. Unfortunately, the training methods followed by most of the jump training guides adhere strictly to strength training, which is only ONE aspect of vertical leap drill. Furthermore, they lack the completely logical and scientific reasoning for their workout methods to back their claims. On the other hand, Jump Manual targets all the nine components essential for jump training, which are thoroughly researched, applied and re-applied by the creator and his team of professionals to give a foolproof result. It also helps that Jacob Hiller, the man behind Jump Manual, is an ex-basketball player himself with over 15 years of experience in the field as a professional trainer. It is quite right to assume that his reasoning has a rational backing to its prerogative as being a result-oriented workout manual aiming to help players gain the desirable inch to their vertical leap.

How is Jump Manual Different From Other Workout Guides?

As mentioned before, Jump Manual emphasizes the minute details which makes up the foundation of vertical leap training. It does focus on strength training but doesn’t limit itself to it. The method which is opted by Jump Manual is known as Plyometrics, which are, fundamentally,  exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing speed and strength. While other workouts motivate to increase just strength, Jump Manual intends to improve all the nine variables, namely, strength, quickness, muscle recruitment, form, nutrition, flexibility, balance, body composition and hereditary factors. The uniqueness of Jump Manual stems from the fact that it not only describes the ‘physical aspects of jumping’ but also the importance of diet and rest and how they affect vertical leap training.

Discover the actual truth behind Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual that claims to be the apt training manual for increasing the vertical jump height from this blog post.

The Workout Process of Jump Manual

The workout process is the major selling point of Jump Manual. It has plyometric exercises, stretches, strength exercises, and various drills to draw out the full potential of quickness and vertical explosive leap in a user. How to do these exercises is also provided in the Jump Manual, along with warm-up exercises preceding them. The exercises are separate sets and have a 14-day repeat cycle. When a user follows the routine regularly, he or she can get results within the first 14 days. The exercises are interesting as the same cycle does not get repeated. Though some of the workouts need weights, most of them do not need any type of equipment. One wouldn't need any gym membership to use Jump Manual either. Jump Manual, being an intensive workout program, should be continued religiously, or else the desired effects cannot be achieved. 

A Quick Recall – The Pros and Cons of the Program

The various benefits of Jump Manual includes;

  • A result-oriented program which shows the visible result when a user follows the workout routine with strict discipline.
  • Simple to understand language for a considerate read-through.
  • In-depth focus on the nutrition factor, without which any exercise falls short.
  • Priority on weight-loss exercises, which essentially means that gym membership is not an absolute requirement.
  • The user can opt for a one-on-one training session with Jacob Hiller or his team of professional trainers, within the first 30 days of purchasing the product.
  •  A 60-day money back option is available for users who are not satisfied with the software and are not finding any viable result.

The drawbacks of this program are minimal, but, it does exist. Those are;

  • It is a lengthy program and is not advisable for users looking for overnight quick-fixes.
  • The program is only available online, and the access to the workout page is through its membership zone, making the process repetitive.
  • The Jump Manual is a high-intensity workout program, which makes it unsafe for users with mild to severe heart conditions.

The Final Word

If someone is looking for a vertical leap training guide which is result-oriented and will help them gain 10+ inches to their vertical leap, Jump Manual is their solution.

Make the right decision by choosing the suitable jump manual for yourself to increase your vertical jump height by getting a detailed knohow from this article.

Buy yours today at and achieve your sports-star dream!

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