The Jump Manual Review: How it Can Help You


For many athletes today, the jump manual has become an essential tool for developing lower body strength. Almost all sports require strong muscular development of the lower body, in addition to muscular stamina.

Try thinking of a sport that doesn’t require explosive or exhaustive movement of your lower body. The only one that comes to mind is Ping-Pong. Almost any other type of athletic activity relies heavily on the lower body.

Lower body strength involves developing the muscular power of everything from your core to your calves. It doesn’t take a long time to develop, where results are quick and easy to achieve through the jump manual.

Through this jump manual review, we’re going to discuss its fundamentals in-depth. We’ll give you an idea of what to expect from the program, in addition to some expected results.

We’ll also discuss some applications that benefit directly from using the jump manual. By this, we’re going to mention some professional sports that benefit from the jump manual, how they specifically benefit, and other amateur activities that will be improved through the manual use.

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But What Does Jumping Have to Do With Lower Body Strength?


Explosive movements of your lower body are a key part of sports functioning. By developing your jumping height, you’re basically developing the power of your fast twitch muscle fibers for fast movements with reduced effort.

Take running/sprinting as example. Running requires explosive muscle movement to shoot at high speeds. A lot of sports require running, especially team sports.

You’ve got examples such as football, soccer, basketball, and many more.

Since higher jumps involve improving fast twitch muscle fibers, you’ll find that your reaction time improves too. This again is vital for team sports, or any physical activity that requires movements at high speeds.

For example, if you’re running and attempting to jump or dodge obstacles, you need a sharp reaction time in the moment. If your reaction time is off, then you risk crashing, leading to serious injuries.

Improving your jumping height leads to improving the kinesthetic intelligence of your lower body.

Your lower body also tires slower. With fast and effortless reaction times, motion becomes easier. You require less effort to move around, which means you have more energy to stay on your feet.

Of all lower body motions that require explosiveness, jumping is the most intensive. You’re basically attempting to launch your body against gravity, as far as possible into the air, in a single jump.

It takes effort to launch high without pulling a muscle, or delays to prepare for the jump.

Thus, instead of sprinting or improving the muscularity of your lower leg, we recommend the jump manual to you. It doesn’t take much preparation to practice, and you can do it anywhere.

Basic Promises

When the program was first popularized a decade ago, the basic promise was “10 inches in jumping height within 12 weeks”.

This promise is still viable to this day.

  • 10 inches is a long distance, being almost a foot. It’s also one where an increase requires effort, since launching your full body’s weight into the air for an extra 10 inches is difficult.
  • 12 weeks equals 3 months. It’s a good enough period of time if you’re preparing for a seasonal competition months ahead. It’s also a short period of time for a fitness program.
  • This is not a program that you’ll need to stick with for a year or more, like a diet.

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Types of Exercises


Exercises of the jump manual focus on plyometrics.

  • Plyometric exercises in short develop strength and speed of muscles by training through continuous burst muscular movements. We mentioned explosive muscular movement before, and those are the exercises to develop it.
  • Plyometric exercises are high intensity and low volume, which means you won’t be doing them often. At most, you’ll be doing them 2-3 times a week. If you have a busy schedule, balancing basic life responsibilities, then you can cram the jump manual exercises into your routine easily.
  • Not only will plyometric exercises develop lower body strength, but they’ll also develop your core. A stronger and more enduring core has many positive functions that affect your body. Those include an improved posture, and the ability to generate more power from fast motions.
  • The improved posture is specifically important if you need you’re using the jump manual for actual jumping. To get to a higher reach when jumping, a straight back with a “heads high” posture is important.
  • Beyond plyometric exercises, you’ll be doing basic bodyweight training, albeit in an explosive manner. For example, a lot of jump manuals include high intensity and low volume leg lifts. This will aid in improving your hamstring muscles specifically.
  • Other jump manuals will incorporate other high intensity exercises, such as squats, operating similar to leg lifts.


So Who Can Benefit From the Jump Manual?


This is probably the most vital part of the jump manual review. After all, why read the review if you have no idea what you’re getting out of it?

In terms of benefit, anyone with athletic tendencies will benefit. Whether you be an amateur, professional, or simply an adrenaline junkie, this jump manual is something you should follow.

It’s best if we get into detail though. The jump manual is often used by athletes playing sports that require a lot of jumping. The 2 main examples that come to mind are basketball, and gymnastics.

Gymnasts require jumping power and balance for successful performances. Balancing acts and motion mid-air is also necessary for gymnasts, both of which can be improved through the jumping manual.

As for basketball, the purpose of jumping is obvious. Dunking is a core part of the sport, where a dunk is the most surefire way to land an accurate shot. Generally, height is the main advantage that allows a person to be a successful dunker, but shorter individuals can develop through their dunking with the manual.


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Jumping is also important for jump shots. Dunking isn’t everything in basketball, where sometimes, you may be surrounded by the opposing team, with the only way to get out of your position is through a jump shot. Jump passes apply here too.

Beyond basketball players and gymnasts, you can also use the jump manual to train for sprinting competitions. If you’re jumping hurdles, this manual will be perfect for you.

Jumping when running requires a quick reaction time, as you can’t afford to stop in order to time your jump. You’ll also need to ensure that your legs have sufficient stamina to handle both running, and jumping.

Professionally, the jump manual can help you get qualified in many sports teams, both during your school years and in pro leagues. Jump tests are generally used by coaches to verify the lower body strength of candidates. Jump heights in effect are used as a metric to determine the advancement of your athletic career.

Going back to core strength briefly, we find that fields such as martial arts also benefit from the jump manual. Martial arts rely heavily on the core to generate power for attacks, and with a stronger core comes better attacks and greater body stability.


Amateur Use of the Jump Manual

Urban sports and everyday athleticism can highly benefit from the jump manual.

If you’re into parkour running, you’ll benefit from the jump manual. Roof jumps and jumping over obstacles requires lower body strength. Lower body strength will also make jumping and running effortless. You can sustain your motion for a longer period of time.

It could also be for improved gym performance. If you’re focusing on the development of lower body strength, the jump manual may be a perfect way to start out. You’re not putting excess weight on your lower body, since most of what you’ll do will involve bodyweight exercises.

It’ll also encourage stretching. Without stretching, the explosive moves of the exercises will land you in cramps. A cramp is the worst position you could be in when developing your lower body. It will hamper you advancement for a while, where in severe cases lack of stretching can lead to tears.


Perfect. So When Can I Start?


Immediately of course! We encourage you to buy the jump manual now and start practicing the program.

Just remember that this isn’t some new fad that will fade away in time. The jump program has been around for close to a decade. It has been developed and verified by experts in the fitness industry.

Just to repeat again, jump tests are often used by coaches as pass tests for applicants to sport teams.

Of course, just make sure that you’re lower body is healthy enough to withstand the intense training. If you’re still fresh out of an injury (such as a leg muscle tear), then we recommend you sit out for a while.

Beyond that, go ahead and buy the jump manual as soon as possible. Whatever sport you’re participating in, or whatever athletic activity you’re doing, you’ll highly appreciate the benefits to be gained from the program!

 Click Here To See New Version of Jump Manual