9 Exercises to Increase a Professional Athlete’s Vertical Jump

Whether it's a basketball slam-dunk, volleyball spike, soccer header or tennis jump serve, a vertical leap is a vital ability for lots of athletes.

Researches have invented the scientific approach for players to jump higher. Want to know about that Scientific Approach? Read here!

vertical Jump
9 exercise to increase your vertical jump


An enhanced vertical leap will help young professional athletes raise for jump shots over opponents. Excellent jumping capability will also assist them get their hands above the volley ball net for obstructing shots. Heading a soccer ball is less hazardous when one child can get greater than another. And a jump serve assists create more racket acceleration for a more powerful tennis serve.

You can assist a young professional athlete improve his vertical leap with a variety of easy drills and exercises that can be done in your home. Exercise the following jumping activities 3 times weekly and you'll assist your child score more points, serve more aces and block more shots.


Start your workout sessions with a dynamic warm-up (not static stretching). A vibrant warm-up consists of moderately intense movements, such as running in place, avoiding with the knees high and jumping jacks. Fixed stretching (stretch-and-hold) in fact reduces power and vertical leap for approximately 20 minutes and should be left up until after any video game, match or workout.

Vertical Jump Technique

To ensure your professional athlete gets the most power, be sure they exercise their vertical jumping with appropriate technique.


standing vertical Jump
standing vertical Jump

At the start of your very first session, have your kid stand beside a wall with a piece of chalk in one hand and jump as high as they can, making a mark on the wall to reveal their optimum vertical leap. Re-test this every week to see how he is advancing. If you don't desire to compose on the wall, use a piece of tape to mark his highest reach.

Practice vertical leaps each session by having your child stand with her feet about shoulder width apart, bending down, then jumping up as high as he can. Have him exercise 6 of these jumps before relocating to the next workout.

Box Jump
Box Jump

2. Box jumps

Have your child stand in front of a stable box, bench, bleacher or other platform that's about knee height. Have him jump onto the box with both feet and after that jump off. Exercise this for 30 seconds. Enhance the height of the platform each week as his efficiency improves. Guarantee your youngster throughout the initial learning process in case he falls backward after the very first jump or 2.

3. Depth jumps

depth Jumps
depth Jumps

Reverse the box jump exercise by having your kid start by standing on a box that has to do with equivalent to his standing vertical jump. Have him jump off the box, land on both feet, and then jump up as high as he can as quickly as his feet touch the ground. Practice this 6 times.

4. 1-2-3 jumps

If you can practice outdoors or in a space with some running location, have your kid take two large strolling or running steps, then jump as high as he can on the 3rd step. Have him stroll back and repeat. After repeating this exercise 6 times, have your youngster repeat the workout, starting on the opposite foot.

5. Shock jumps

Just like depth jumps, shock jumps need your youngster to base on a box and then jump off. With this workout, your youngster will attempt to "stick" a landing like a gymnast, jumping off the box and landing on the balls of his feet without moving after he lands. Practice this six times.

6. Jump squats

Have your kid cross his arms in front of him, standing with his feet about shoulder width apart. Have him lower himself by bending his knees and moving his buttocks backward, keeping his back straight, eyes ahead and knees over his toes. When he gets into a sitting position, have him jump straight up. Exercise this 6 times. At the same time, attempt jump squats, which consist of a lower squat and rhythmic jumps (video below).

7. Split squat jumps

Have your youngster start in a deep lunge. Have him powerfully jump up as high as he can switching legs in the air. Practice six times with each leg.

8. Box squats

Have your child rest on a box, then stand rapidly. Usage hand heights, barbells or resistance bands, practicing really slowly the very first time he makes use of any weights or resistance to prevent back strain or injury. Practice this 6 times.

9. Standing long jumps

This is the Olympic workout (likewise called a long jump) you see where professional athletes jump from a squatting position into a sand pit. You can do this on any flat surface, determining your kid's outcomes once every week to mark improvement. Practice this six times.

Get a 12-inch increase in your vertical jump height by reading our blog post on how to increase vertical jump height by 12-inches.

Post-workout stretching

Your jumping practice can include attempting each exercise as one circuit of six representatives, or repeat the circuits two or three times each. When you're finished with your workout, have your kid static stretch, carrying out a range of lunges and other stretches for 20 to 30 seconds each.


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