Dietary Habits to Follow for a Better Vertical Leap

You have your work-out program charted out for an improved vertical leap, and you follow it rigorously too. Still, your vertical leap leaves a lot to be desired. Ever wondered why? The answer is quite simple. The body is a machine, and a good exercise routine is a way you can keep that machine well maintained. Yet, the fuel on which the machine runs, a proper nutritious diet plan, is missing from your routine. A well-constructed diet chart helps you improve your vertical leap by providing the much-needed fuel to your body, increasing muscle strength and developing the fast-twitch muscles. As a sportsperson, it should be your main priority to follow a routine nutrition plan and maintain a proper weight-height balance.

Know more about the ways to increase jump height through our article on the Jump Manual, the best online training manual that guarantees an increase in your vertical jump height.

Sometimes, due to several reasons such as time and money, you may not be able to consult a proper dietician for a complete diet plan. In that case, you can go for a complete training guide like Jump Manual. Created by Jacob Hiller, Jump Manual is the best jump training guide to help increase your vertical leap because it not only has a regimented exercise routine backed by years of scientific research but also a balanced nutrition chart to follow for optimum result.

Your diet plan should have these three nutrients as a major composition. They have specific functions when it comes to developing muscles and improving your vertical leap.

  • Carbohydrates or Carb

A body needs Carbohydrates or carbs in order to survive. Starch-rich foods such as potatoes, bread, lean meat, rice, yam and so many more foods, are a major source of carbs. It is common knowledge that carb-rich food sometimes can be harmful to a human body. The reason why carbohydrates are necessary for the proper improvement of muscles and in-turn the vertical leap of a person, is because it constitutes 50 percent of oxygen, an element necessary for any kind of growth and development. Carbs can further be divided into four groups, Ketogenic or very-low-carb, low-carb, medium-carb, and high-carb. An ideal diet should have less than 10 percent of ketogenic carb, less than 26 percent of low-carb, 26-45 percent of medium-carb, and 45 percent of high-carb to help muscle growth and vertical leap. A benefit of a balanced carb-rich diet is that it prevents pathogenesis, fertilization, and growth of disease-causing organisms, and aids in blood clotting.

  • Proteins

Proteins are the building blocks of any cell mutation and growth. It is vital to have a good protein intake for muscle growth, especially the fast-twitching muscles, which aids in improving vertical leaps. Several food groups are a rich source of protein, and though a higher intake than the normal amount doesn’t have any negative impact, it does make slow down the growth process. Proteins should be consumed 100g per day for optimum energy, and one of the major sources of protein is lean meat like chicken, and turkey, as well as eggs. Protein is made up of 15 percent of nitrogen, and 25 percent of oxygen. Protein deficiency can lead to a disease known as kwashiorkor, which leads to fatigue, lethargy, and irritability in a person. This can be put an aspiring athlete at a disadvantage. There is no reason for someone to skip a proper protein-filled diet, as it can be obtained from numerous food source such as chicken, eggs, fish, and shellfish, etc. Vegetarians don’t need to fret since tofu and soy products such as beans, milk, and nuggets also provide the necessary protein amount. An athlete should always include these foods in a properly balanced diet.

  • Fat

The first thing which comes to mind when someone mentions fat, is unhealthy eating habits. In reality, fats are a major component for a successful development of a healthy body. Saturated fat is the element which one should avoid. Unsaturated fat, on the other hand, is exactly the thing needed for a proper nutrition intake. Saturated fats, or more commonly known trans fatty acid, is commonly found in junk food and fried ones. These are also known as bad fats which should be avoided at all costs since they are insoluble in water and is very difficult for our digestive system to break down. Unsaturated fats, also known as good fats are required at a controlled amount to provide the energy required by the body. While buying food products, read the labels and the ingredients very carefully to know what you are consuming. Products which claim to be fat-free or low-fat can also be misguiding since low-fat can be low saturated fats.

For a good vertical leap, proper diet must be coordinated with an apt training manual to give excellent results. Get a detailed description on whether the Vert Shock program is one of the apt training guide to help you increase your height through our article on the Vert Shock Review.


It can be safely said that the three components discussed above are partially responsible for a good vertical leap. It can be daunting for everyone to follow a diet chart separately or consult a dietician for the same. A good training manual, such as Jump Manual is a good way to maintain a proper nutritious diet, as well as to follow a regimented exercise routine. Jump Manual comes with an entire section which provides the necessary chart one needs to follow for an increased vertical leap. To start your journey for becoming a great basketball player, buy the Jump Manual today!

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