3 Proven Exercises and Steps Which Will Improve Your Vertical Leap

Jumping is an integral part of any handball game such as basketball, volleyball, and it is also one of the major requirements for many Olympic sports. So how do you ensure that your vertical leap is up to par with the required professional standards when your dream is to make it big in the basketball league? The answer is quite simple. You exercise and build a routine complimented with the right balanced diet to continuously improve your vertical leap. Now, there is a major way to approach a workout routine, namely with the help of a proper jump training manual. A suitable jump training guide will feature exercises that not only would help build your strength but also improve the quickness, a combination of which gives explosive vertical jumping height. Not venturing into the lengthy detailed version of all the exercises beneficial for vertical leap, here are three exercises, which when done right, will help you get a consistent superior vertical jumping height on the basketball court.

Know the other 9 exercises that would help to increase your vertical jump height through this blog post.

  • Jump Squats

The best exercise to jump-start your vertical leap growth, jump squats are the go-to option for athletes when they want to improve their core muscle strength. It helps to firm the calve muscles and quads while providing the necessary even blood circulation to the entire nervous system for quick action. For a successful squat jump routine, ensure you have the basic idea of squat jump mechanics. To do a proper squat jump, take your knees apart in alignment with your shoulder making sure that your knees cave in so that while squatting they bow-out. The alignment should be maintained at all times. The general rule of thumb is to keep your kneecaps shooting right in-between your big toe and your second toe. From there, just jump up in the squat and land on the heels of your feet. You need to decelerate, avoiding shocks to the joints by just absorbing the shock of landing through your muscles. The landing should be slow and controlled. Exhale while you jump up and inhale while coming down, all the while propelling your arms to maintain your equilibrium. A slightly different and intense version is the prisoner’s jump, which you can do by keeping your hands at the back of your head while jumping. Repeat the jumps 20 times in each set, and workout only 5 sets in one session.

  • Sprints

Sprints aim to increase the response time of the fast-twitching fibers and build muscles, automatically increasing your speed and power. The more you sprint, the more your power increases. Sprints also greatly expand endurance, which results in longer stamina in games like basketball, and Olympic sports. To properly sprint, ensure that your arms never pass your eye-level while running. All the power for your upper body comes from the shoulder while running. Another rule is to make sure when your lead leg (right for most, left for some) is up, the opposite arm is in contrast to it. Practice the dorsiflex (bend foot towards the knee) for a dramatic increase in your verticals. A common mistake people tend to do while sprinting is running straight up. Your body needs to be at a certain lean angle to actually benefit from the sprints. And it is not restricted to a 100-meter dash either. Perform sprints in various settings, from 200-meter dashes with 30 seconds of rest to a full 400-meter while taking a minute to rest between each dash. You can gradually increase your sprint range, and time your rest accordingly. A plus-side of sprinting is that it can be practiced by people with bad-knees too, with the help of cycling and swimming.

  • Stairs

If you are running on a time restricted work-out session, an easy exercise to practice without compromising with your schedule is to take the stairs whenever the opportunity arises. Find a set of approximately 20 stairs and go in quick succession, skipping one step at a time. After reaching the top take a 10-second rest and climb down at a relaxed pace. This exercise is very good for your glutes and hamstrings, which in turn helps the vitals of vertical jumps. Repeat the steps for 10 sets each for noticeable results.

Find out about the 7 secrets useful to improve your Vertical Jump Height here.


These basic exercises will help your vertical leap growth greatly. However, for a more thorough and intense workout routine, you should opt for a professional jump training guide. A good example is Jump Manual, the leading vertical jump training guide created by Jacob Hiller. It is guaranteed to give its user a 10-inch plus growth in just 14-days. The best feature of jump manual? If you are not satisfied with the result, you can get your money-back in the first 60 days. To increase your vertical leap and bring your A+ game in the court, buy Jump Manual today! Visit www.jumpmanual.com
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